
Dr. Ramon Stephens has presented at the following academic conferences:

Chapman, T; Dixson, A; Stephens, R; Brown, C; McCall, J; James-Gallaway, C. (2023, April 15). Black at School: Black teachers, Black students, and anti-Black hostilities in p-20 institutions.  [Conference Panel]. American Education Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Rogers, K., Stephens, R (2023, April).  Unveiling the Cloak of Invisibility: "Because Representation Matters:  Supporting Black Males to and Through STEM Graduate School." Why Black males are absent in STEM Disciplines.” Association for the Study of Higher Education. American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.

Rogers, K., Stephens, R (2023).  Unveiling the Cloak of Invisibility: "Because Representation Matters:  Supporting Black Males to and Through STEM Graduate School." Why Black males are absent in STEM Disciplines.” Association for the Study of Higher Education. Las Vegas, Nevada

Rogers, K., Stephens, R., Crawford, J., Lopez, D., Chapman, T.K., and Jones, M. (2021). Finding and Supporting Each Other: Black Students’ Collegiate Experiences. American Education Research Association (AERA). Web-based due to Covid-19 restrictions. 

Rogers, K., Stephens, R., Crawford, J., Lopez, D., Chapman, T.K., and Jones, M. (2021). Finding and Supporting Each Other: Black Students’ Collegiate Experiences. Association for the Society for Higher Education (ASHE). Web-based due to Covid-19 restrictions.


Stephens, R., Crawford, J., Rogers, K. Lopez, D., Chapman, T.K., and Jones, M. (2019). The Power of a Shared Language: Critical Relatability and Student Engagement.  AERA. Toronto, Canada.


Stephens, R., Crawford, J., Rogers, K. Lopez, D., Chapman, T.K., and Jones, M. (2019). "You're Beautiful When You Are Who You Are": Sense of Belonging, Race, and Ethnic Studies. AERA. Toronto, Canada.

Rogers, K., Lopez, D., Stephens, R., Crawford, J., Chapman, T.K., and Jones, M. (2019). “Our Own History, Our Own Legacy”: The Actualization of Change Agents Through Ethnic Studies Curricula. AERA. Toronto, Canada.

Stephens, R., Lopez, D., Rogers, K., Crawford, J., Chapman, T., and Jones, M. (2018).  "Sometimes We are Fake:" Ethnic Studies, Trust and Racial Minorities. AERA New York, NY. National Association for Multicultural Education Conference (NAME), San Diego, CA.


Lopez, D., Rogers, K., Stephens, R., Crawford, J., Chapman, T., and Jones, M.  (2018). The Rhetoric of an Ethnic Studies Course on Critical Consciousness and Self Identity. AERA. New York, NY.


Ishizuka, I., Stephens, R. (2018). The Cat is Out of the Bag: Orientalism, Anti-Blackness and White Supremacy. AERA. New York, NY.


Rogers, K., Stephens, R., Lopez, D., Crawford, J., Chapman, T., and Jones, M. (2018). Overcoming Stereotypes: Utilizing Ethnic Studies to Cultivate Self-Love, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Empowerment in Historically Marginalized Youth. AERA. New York, NY.


Chapman, T. K., Stephens R (2018). Exploring High Achieving African American Students’ College Choice Processes. International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement. Singapore.

Chapman, T.K., Jones, M., Gallagher-Guertsen, T., and Stephens, R. (2017). The Roles of the Scholar Activist in Supporting Grassroots Reforms. Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and the role of educational research. European Educational Research Association. European Conference on Educational Research (EERA). Copenhagen, Denmark. 

Dr. Ramon Stephens has presented to and led trainings and workshops for the following companies: